EPISODE 231 - The SDA Wall of Shame


Well here it is folks! The big reveal, the big topic ... the SDA WALL OF SHAME! Minh has dropped the hint a few times now that this episode was coming, and today we invite back Brad Fuller from Brighter Living, to come into our Brisbane office, to contribute to this controversial episode. 

To begin with, lets be clear that we we wont be 'defaming’ anyone in this episode as that would make us the bad guys, but boy oh boy do we wish we could spill the beans on all the dirt on the "who" and the "what" we know of in the SDA industry. If anyone from ASIC or the NDIA is reading this, please give us a call, as we have already agreed to sit down with the authorities to be the 'whistle blowers' 🥳

But that aside, lets just say that gossip and truth gets around a lot out there in the NDIS industry and lots of people talk. Whats the old saying … "Where there is smoke, there is fire" right? Well because of the reputations of our speakers across SDA, both Minh and Brad have had much interactions across the country with many NDIS stakeholders. The information gleaned from investors and providers has enabled our team to collate a list of organisations and individuals who are either corrupt, dirty, or "professional" bad guys who rip off investors out of their life savings, and are destroying families. ☹️

It's probably an open secret that there are lots of bad actors in the NDIS, but more so within SDA which is 100% property, and thus, there will always be "potential" conflicts of interest constantly. As such, we have this one hour podcast discussion about the types of shameful actions of agents, brokers, developers, builders, providers, or random spruikers, who come into the SDA to derive enormous profits without the care in the world about the negative impact of their actions - on investors, or on the NDIS. Making false promises, charging exorbitant fees, and leaving investors 'high and dry' without the hope of tenants in these SDA homes.

Alas, we must be careful about what we write in this episode description, as we may be held accountable. But we do encourage you to listen to Minh and Brad's thoughts on this subject matter. We caution all investors to "be very very very careful" about taking advice from inexperienced and unprofessional players in this sector. These "so called experts"  can be seen "on every street corner" and when we say street corner, we mean 'everywhere on Facebook'. 🤪

We sincerely hope that the NDIA or ASIC catches up with these groups and individuals we refer to. They are blatantly ripping off investors, and hopefully they are either fined, imprisoned or banned from doing business ever again. Sadly though, white collar crimes are rarely punishable with imprisonment. 

Most, if not “all” SDA spruikers are unlicensed - they are unlicensed in real estate advice, & they are unlicensed in financial advice, & they are unlicensed in disability advice. And if no licensing in any form, their Professional Indemnity Insurance will not cover them (or YOU!) for any financial losses. It will be legal damages against them personally in court, so make sure they have a nice house! :)

Investors should seek legal advice if they feel that they have been taken advantage of by fake and unlicensed businesses whom made guarantees, false advertising, lied or not disclosed conflicts  to induce buyers into an SDA, thus causing financial loss. 

Everyone working in SDA or the NDIS, who are doing dodgy things, or giving bad advice, should be held accountable - end of story!!!

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